Mathnasium Vs Success Tutoring


What is Success Tutoring?

Success Tutoring is a personalised and face-to-face tutoring service that offers services in Maths, English, Selective Tutoring, School Readiness, and School Holiday Programs. Success Tutoring is a national franchise with 25 locations across Australia and hence based off the Australian curriculum. It incorporates technology and modern methodologies with a focus on motivation and inspiration.

What is Mathnasium?

Mathnasium is a maths only tutoring service with centres internationally, which teaches based off a proprietary curriculum, unabiding to any country’s curriculum. It offers a customised learning plan for each student based on their particular needs.

How Differently Does Success Tutoring Operate from Mathnasium?


Success Tutors are hand-picked, undergo constant training, and consist of high-quality university students that excelled remarkably in their studies. Success tutors are trained to emphasise inspiration for students and enable them to go beyond academics and become well-adjusted individuals. This choice of university students and tutors aims to bring a relatable and modern teaching style into the learning process.

Mathnasium selects tutors based on their experience and skill in Mathematics. The hiring process consists of a rigorous maths assessment to determine eligibility for employment. This ensures their tutors are advanced in maths, passionate about the subject, and trained in the Mathnasium curriculum. However, as Mathnasium only offers services in Mathematics, their tutors may not be adept in other subjects.

Learning Environment:

Success Tutoring differentiates itself by focusing on individual needs, ensuring that each student receives personalised attention across subjects. Through a free assessment at the start of each student’s learning journey, they progress through their personalised learning plan by completing assigned activities in their lessons. The Australian Tutoring Association’s research highlights the importance of personalised learning in achieving academic success.

The Mathnasium Method emphasises teaching for understanding through a customised learning plan. This learning plan is based upon an assessment and carried out through Mathnasium tutors.

What does Studying at Success Tutoring vs Mathnasium look like?

Success Tutoring pioneers a first of its kind subscription-based membership, with the option of unlimited tutoring at a weekly rate of $95 with no lock-in contracts, reflecting a commitment to affordability without sacrificing excellence.

Mathnasium does not offer unlimited tutoring and costs $25-$75 per session for exclusively Mathematics subjects.

KumonSuccess Tutoring
# of Sites35,00025
Investment Level2k-100k80-100k
Ongoing Royalties45% of gross revenue$2200 or 8% of gross revenue
# of Staff RequiredN/A4-8
Marketing Budget$2000$10-$15k
ProfitabilityNet profit margin around 30% of annual gross sales

$52-$70k per year
$100-$180k per year in profit
KumonSuccess Tutoring
Pricing$140 per month per subjectStarts at $40 for 1 session, $70 for 2 sessions & $95 for unlimited sessions
FlexibilityIn person & virtual classes

Not flexible in terms of teaching styles (old school)
App that allows customers to book

Adaptive & modern
TutorsHigh School marking Franchisee (usually ex-teacher)University students
ServiceMaths, English, JapanesePersonalised Math & English
ResultsSolid success rate (tend to score 5.27 points higher on maths SAT section on average)98% students see noticeable improvement
CommunityRows of students & not encouraged to learnGroup Environment encouraged to learn from friends
HomeworkExpected to do homework everydayGives homework on request